References on recent developments in the water sector, on the water-energy-food nexus and on integrated water management in Jordan are listed here. Also policy documents and research on research articles are added that are relevant for the German -Jordanian Cooperation.
(2021) Water requirements for irrigated crops in semi-arid region in Jordan using sentinel satellite images, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 122, p. 102949, url, doi:
(2021) The impact of adopting a water-energy nexus approach in Jordan on transboundary management, Environmental Science & Policy 118, p. 49-55, url, doi:
(2021) A socio-eco-efficiency analysis of water and wastewater treatment processes for refugee communities in Jordan, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 164, p. 105196, url, doi:
(2021) Rehabilitation of degraded rangelands in Jordan: The effects of mechanized micro water harvesting on hill-slope scale soil water and vegetation dynamics, Journal of Arid Environments 185, p. 104338, url, doi:
(2020) 238U and 232Th isotopes in groundwater of Jordan: Geological influence, water chemistry, and health impact, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 170, p. 108660, url, doi:
(2020) The impact of transformational leadership on organisational performance case study: The University of Jordan, International Journal of Business Excellence, doi:10.1504/IJBEX.2020.105356
(2020) Groundwater protection under water scarcity; from regional risk assessment to local wastewater treatment solutions in Jordan, Science of The Total Environment 706, p. 136066, url, doi:
(2020) Estimation of industrial water demand and reclamation in Jordan: A cross-sectional analysis, Water Resources and Industry 23, p. 100129, url, doi:
(2020) Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in water and soil in wastewater-irrigated farmland in Jordan, Science of The Total Environment 716, p. 137057, url, doi:
(2019) Maintaining desert cultivation: Roman, Byzantine, and Early Islamic water-strategies at Udhruh region, Jordan, Journal of Arid Environments 166, p. 108-115, url, doi:
(2019) Exploring the Status Quo of Water-Energy Nexus Policies and Governance in Jordan, Environmental Science & Policy 100, p. 192-204, url, doi:
(2019) Empowering women in water diplomacy: A basic mapping of the challenges in Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan, Journal of Hydrology 569, p. 330-346, url, doi:
(2019) Identifying spatiotemporal variations in groundwater-surface water interactions using shallow pore water chemistry in the lower Jordan river, Advances in Water Resources 131, p. 103388, url, doi:
(2018) Assessing the contribution of water and energy efficiency in green buildings to achieve United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in Jordan, Building and Environment 146, p. 119-132, url, doi:
(2018) Energy and water as indicators for sustainable city site selection and design in Jordan using smart grid, Sustainable Cities and Society 37, p. 125-132, url, doi:
(2018) Lifting the veil: Unpacking the discourse of water scarcity in Jordan, Environmental Science & Policy 89, p. 385-392, url, doi:
(2018) Transitions in water harvesting practices in Jordan’s rainfed agricultural systems: Systemic problems and blocking mechanisms in an emerging technological innovation system, Environmental Science & Policy 84, p. 235-249, url, doi:
(2016) Water User Associations and the Politics of Water in Jordan, World Development 79, p. 164-176, url, doi:
(2012) Water percolation through a clayey vadose zone, Journal of Hydrology 424-425, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2011.12.040
(2012) Hydrology of the Jordan River Basin: Watershed Delineation, Precipitation and Evapotranspiration, Water Resources Management 26, p. 4281-4293, url, doi:10.1007/s11269-012-0144-8
(2011) Urban hydrology in mountainous middle eastern cities, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15, p. 953-966, url, doi:10.5194/hess-15-953-2011
(2010) Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis of Treated Wastewater Use for Agriculture in Water Deficit Regions1, Journal of the American Water Resources Association 46, p. 395-411, url, doi:10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00409.x
(2007) Chloride, hydrochemical and isotope methods of groundwater recharge estimation in eastern Mediterranean areas: A case study in Jordan, Hydrological Processes 21(16), p. 2112-2123
(2006) Identification of nitrate sources in groundwater by delta N-15(nitrate) and delta O-18(nitrate) isotopes: a study of the shallow Pleistocene aquifer in the Jericho area, Palestine, Acta Hydrochimica Et Hydrobiologica 34, p. 27-33, url, doi:10.1002/aheh.200400615
(2004) Hydrogeological investigations in the north-eastern Dead Sea Area, Suweimeh, Jordan, Water in the Middle East and in North Africa: Resources, Protection and Management, p. 21-30, url
(2002) Water sources and quality along the Lower Jordan River, regional study, url